Saturday, February 26, 2011


We have been homeless….  it is an interesting experience.  We have been trying to buy a house and it is a much slower process than I expected it to be.  It has been a very educational journey, as has buying a house.  We started off with one that we thought we would pay off and move on from as soon as possible and have ended up with a home that we are going to be in for the foreseeable future, which is really probably better for us in the long run.

In the meantime we have been staying with friends and family.  That alone has been a really enlightening experience, both for us and them.  We stayed with some friends first and over all it was good, we learned things, like just how much work our kids are capable of.  It was amazing!  Now we are at my sisters, which is also interesting, though it is in a different way.  It has really made me realize how little I socialize normally and that I need to do it more.